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Sclerotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for blood vessels on the legs and thighs. The treatment involves the injection of a strong salt solution into the vessels through a tiny needle. A brochure that discusses sclerotherapy in detail if available in our office.

We use sclerotherapy to treat the small blue to blue-red vessels that occur on the legs and thighs of adults. The reasons why the vessel occur are not known. Some families are more severely affected than other families. Women are generally more severely affected than men. The vessels are sometimes associated with hormonal changes, including pregnancy. Their severity may range from occasional small “blue” vessels to thousands of vessels that can make a leg or thigh appear blue or bruised.

We schedule a consultation session prior to the first sclerotherapy appointment. We ask that a credit card number be placed on file prior to scheduling these and subsequent follow up sclerotherapy appointments. The consultation fee for sclerotherapy is $100.00. The fee for each session is $400.00. Should you fail to cancel your appointment within 24 hours prior to being seen, we will charge your credit card on file a $100.00 no show fee.

Generally insurance companies do not reimburse their clients for the treatment of the asymptomatic vessels as they consider it cosmetic.  That fact may prevent some people from having the therapy done. Insurance is not expected to, and does not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures, such as face lifts, peels, and in this case sclerotherapy.

We reserve the right to charge an office visit in addition to the cosmetic consult or treatment fees if additional treatment is rendered for covered services.

To maintain this treatment method’s excellent record of safety, the amount of salt solution injected during each session is carefully limited. Most persons need one to four sessions of sclerotherapy to achieve near-complete clearing of the vessels.


Integrated Dermatology of North Raleigh
3809 Computer Drive, Suite 200

Raleigh, NC 27609
Phone: 919-782-3782
Fax: 919-782-3788

Office Hours

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